5-7s and 8-12s
New term starts in January. You are never too young to get into the performing arts! Classes with games, activities, dancing and singing, culminating with a performance(s) on stage at Hampton Hill Theatre in December.
Jenny runs 2 classes here at 5.30pm or at 7pm every Wednesdays.
Drop in or call 07957 288869 for more info.
Fun french classes for preschoolers and 5-7s
open to all
All our welcome to the friendly Community Cafe, run by St Mary with St Alban church serving coffee, teas and cake. Recent winners of the Com...
open to all
A welcoming space for anyone dealing with memory issues. The Memory Cafe is run by St Mary with St Alban church twice a month.
Call 07957 288869
Jenny runs 2 classes here at 5.30pm or at 7pm. Drop in or call for more info.
Call 07957 288869
Rehearsals for their productions are held here three times a year starting January, May and September check their website for details
5-7s and 8-12s Dramacube You are never too young to get into the performing arts! Games, activities, dancing and singing, and a performance(...
10am preschool and 11am KS1 5-7 years old. Fun French classes
For more information about Rainbows email 4thteddingtonrainbows@gmail.com